Watch This Custom Bike Builder Get Excited About His New 3D Printer

Some people don’t like to make their own. [insert passionately loved thing here]. There are many people who do at all levels. Some have training, skills, and/or resources that others don’t have—which is cool for them, but it can get frustrating for folks who are just starting out, or who don’t have that kind of access.  

It’s just as true for bike stuff as it is for, say, fancy cooking tools. Still, just because you don’t have a fancy stand mixer doesn’t mean that you can’t make your own cookies or bread—it just means that you have to approach it differently. You can also make DIY bikes. (I mean, there’s only one Allen Millyard in the world, right?) 

That’s just one of many reasons why 3D printing technology is so fascinating to watch evolve, both in terms of the tech itself, and also the ways it’s become more accessible to greater numbers of people over time. Like many things technological, it starts out big, unwieldy, and expensive—but over time, it gets refined, prices come down to things that more people can afford, and both the tech and the knowledge on how to use it become more widespread. Jish, a YouTubing custom bicycle builder, talks about this in his latest video. He also shows us the new 3D printer that he bought for the holidays. 

It’s not his first 3D printer, but it’s also not going to replace the older, slower model that he’s been working with for the past few years. It can do the exact same work as the old model in half or less time, which is incredible. Jish thinks that it means he can have two separate pieces running simultaneously in the two printers. He should be able to experiment with carbon fibre thanks to his new machine as well as the new nozzle. He looks forward to 3D-printing carbon fiber parts for his next builds.  

Like a lot of other specialized equipment, 3D printers aren’t at the point where they’re an impulse purchase. Although prices have come down over time, they’re still not exactly cheap. There’s also a learning curve involved, of course—not to mention the necessity of having someplace to put it if you do eventually decide to get a machine of your own. 

If you’re interested in experimenting with 3D printers, it could be worth checking into things like public libraries and maker spaces in your area to get a taste. There may even be accompanying classes offered at local places that have 3D printers available for public use, so you don’t have to just go and read the manual in your spare time. You can give yourself the gift that you indulge your curiosity while enhancing your knowledge.