Rubis donates printer to Balata Primary School

After struggling with large scale printing for quite some while, the Balata Primary school has received a brand new printer thanks Rubis.

The school stated that other sources had been used to help with printing but due to the difficulties of receiving copies on time and the ongoing costs involved they wanted to purchase their own machine.

Rubis takes great pride in making donations, especially in the fields health, education and sports. They saw the Balata Primary school request as an opportunity for them to take on corporate responsibility.

“We were asked to donate after receiving a request from the school. We went to the school and found that they needed a printer. A school of 217 students would need a printer to help them educate their students. Principal and teachers were thrilled to have their own printing facilities. We were overwhelmed when the students wrote us a message of gratitude and had it read to us.

The principal thanked the school for his kindness and wrote a thank you note. It read:

“The Balata Primary School prides itself in producing well-rounded individuals who will contribute to society.

We have had to print on large scales, which has made it difficult for us. The photocopier is therefore essential in our efforts to improve the quality and educational experiences of our students.

We used to rely on outside help in this area. We decided to purchase our own photocopier because of the inconvenience and cost involved in getting copies quickly.

We are grateful and thrilled that Rubis made this generous gift for Balata Primary School.

To Rubis West Indies, on behalf of all the Balata students, staff, and community members, I want to express my deep gratitude. Wishing the company all the best in their future endeavours.”

The donation was made October 19, 2022.