Peopoly launches Magneto X FFF 3D printer & promises new standards for speed & reliability

Peopoly Has announced the launch its Magneto X 3D extrusion printer. It is equipped with a proprietary linear magnetic motor system for X and Y axes.

The company believes this helps it to ‘set new industry standards’ for speed, precision and reliability in the fused filament fabrication (FFF) market.

Going ‘beyond traditional belts and pulleys’, Peopoly’s MagXY magnetic levitation linear motor system for the X and Y axes is said to achieve unprecedented repeatability of three microns. Peopoly claims that by moving away from belts and pulling, it has eliminated defects such as ringing or vertical fine artifacts. The MagXY system maintains accuracy with a closed-loop feedback system.

Peopoly also claims its MagXY motor system is ‘more streamlined’ compared to those reliant on belts and stepper motors, citing its clean and simplified design which means extruder replacement is expedited since there are no belts to disconnect, for example. Lower rail friction increases its lifespan, reduces the need to calibrate it frequently and helps lower costs.

Magneto X also boasts a print rate of 1200 mm/s with a maximum acceleration up to 22,000 mm2/s. This is made possible again by the low-friction motor. A variable-length melting zone allows a maximum flow of 60 mm3/s. This helps ensure rapid print speeds without compromising quality. The use of the E3D Volcano-style nozzle also ensures wide filament compatibility.

Printing occurs within a 400 x 300 x 300 mm build volume, which features four independently driven Z-axes for ‘enhanced stability and levelling accuracy.’ A 300°C hot end and 0.4mm copper and hardened steel nozzles allow for materials like PLA, PETG, ABS, ASA, and Nylon carbon fibre to be printed. Peopoly also equipped the machine with an HD 1080p camera to monitor in real-time and record time-lapse videos. A Jetstream fan is used to ensure that high-speed prints are cool. The build plate is powered by 1000W AC and has a PEI magnet surface to make it easy to remove prints.  

Peopoly is offering a special price for pre-orders of 1,399USD. Units are expected to be shipped in mid-November. The company also offers 3D-printing systems based on resin.