Gen Z workers struggle with office tech

Gen Zers are often thought to be great technologists because they work with gadgets and smartphones. Recent studies show that people between 18 and 26 are not as adept at using office tools as they think. Many people of that generation had problems with video conferencing apps such as Google Meet and printers.

Gen Z is often criticized for its obsession with apps and gadgets. This age group is the future of global employment. We need to find ways to assist these people in developing their careers, so they can better their country.

This article will discuss why studies say Gen Z employees face “tech shame” in the workplace. After that, I’ll discuss ways to help them overcome these challenges.

Why are Gen Z employees struggling at work?

Hewlett-Packard was one of the tech companies that studied this trend amongst young workers. HP calls their problem “tech shame,” defining how overwhelming young people feel using office tools.

According to its study, “1 in 5 young office workers feel judged when experiencing tech issues.” In contrast, only 1 to 25 of their mature colleagues have this issue.

Gen Z employees are “10x more likely to feel shame in these scenarios than their older peers. Dell Technologies also conducted a study of the same nature.

Fast Company reported that a tech firm in 15 different countries surveyed over 15,000 young people between the ages of 18 and 26. Discover the key findings in this article:

  • About 50% of Gen Z will be willing to accept temporary economic pain in exchange for long-term solutions. Only a third of Gen Z workers believe that current government investments will lead to a flourishing digital industry.
  • A further 44% said the schools taught only basic computer skills.
  • Generation Z is a group of young people who, according to 40% of them, believe that digital skills are essential for their future career. 37% of Generation Z say that their education has not prepared them for the skills they need to succeed in their future careers.
  • A third of respondents want flexible work and remote work. Another third wants office roles.

What does Gen Z say about technology shaming and blaming?

Illustration of a Gen Z worker holding a sign with the words 'Tech Shaming' and a group of diverse coworkers listening attentively.

The Guardian and other news outlets interviewed Gen Z workers for a deeper understanding of this trend. The Guardian, for instance, asked 25-year-old Garrett Bemiller his opinion.

NY Publicist Bemiller said that he was familiar with screens, but had difficulty with the office printer. Bemiller said, “Things like scanners and copy machines are complicated.”

“It kept coming out as a blank page, and it took me a couple of times to realize that I had to place the paper upside-down in the machine for it to work,” he added.

He accidentally damaged a laptop at work because he never read the pop-up message from Dropbox. The computer then slowed down to a crawl. His company asked IT staff for a check and replaced the mobile computer.

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Bemiller has inadvertently allowed Dropbox to back up all files on the computer’s disk. The app also gave permission for the laptop to backup to Dropbox. “It was constantly backing up everything onto itself,” he said.

“Murdering that poor laptop is still so funny to me,” the publicist added. Even people slightly older than Gen Z have problems with office tools.

Max Simon, 29, a content creator at a Toronto-based business, told The Guardian that he was frustrated. “When I see a printer, I’m like, ‘Oh my God!’ It seems like I’m uncovering an ancient artifact,” he added.

How can Gen Z workers be helped to adapt?

Sarah Dexter is an associate professor of Education at the University of Virginia. She explained the trend. “There is a myth that kids were born into an information age, and this all comes intuitively to them.”

“But that is not realistic. How would they know how to scan something if they’ve never been taught how to do it?” Dexter added. The Guardian explained that Gen Z workers usually work with mobile applications.

This age group knows how to edit videos and images on their phones. This age group is familiar with Wix, Squarespace and other website-building tools.

Google offers remote work planning tools

TikTok is so simple to use, even children with poor reading abilities can begin using it. Scanners and printers in the office are less intuitive. They are often so complex that they come with manuals.

You can, however, start using a new smartphone within seconds. Dell Technologies is aware of the problem, and sees other institutions as a solution. Forbes was advised to take these steps by Dell Technologies:

  • Collaboration between universities and tech companies is needed to create online platforms for self-paced upskilling. These platforms will offer courses that complement classroom learning by providing essential digital skills.
  • Coding bootcamps and apprenticeships are great ways to increase tech literacy in Gen Z workers. More importantly, the latter offers hands-on experience and the chance to work for the world’s leading tech companies.
  • The most sought-after tech skills for 2023 include cybersecurity, data science and cloud computing.

You can also read our conclusion.

Generation Z will soon become the majority in global employment. We need to equip young people who are aspiring to careers with digital skills in order to help them succeed.

This will help them improve their social and financial status. It will also allow them to boost our economies. They can buy more products and services that will boost their business.

It will improve the lives of everyone. Inquirer Tech’s digital skills can help you upgrade your career.

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