Emily Engineers a 10-Foot-Tall 3D Printer

The majority of 3D printers are relatively small in size due to two factors. To get a big build volume you’ll need a machine that is massive. Second, 3D printing is slow and print times are directly correlated with part size on FDM/FFF machines — with the square-cube law in full effect. Emily, the Engineer is not one to be stopped by practicality. She decided to build a 3D printer. a 10 foot tall 3D Printer The parts are piled high.

Even a 3D printer that is very fast would take a long time to print if you used the typical settings. It is possible to reduce this time using two different methods. In vase mode, a layer is only printed once. This means that the layer can be completed as fast as your printer can go around. This reduces the time required to print each layer. Emily fitted the printer with an enormous 1mm nozzle, which extrudes lines 0.5mm thick. This reduced the number of layers. This is 60% less than the standard setup of a 0.4mm layer with 0.2mm nozzle.

Emily began this project with an old Creality Ender-3. She replaced the two upright pieces with pieces that were much, much higher. As the new pieces had a new profile, she had to design new rollers that would fit.

Emily was going to use lead screws as threaded rods to drive the Z-axis. However, she quickly discovered that these were unstable when they reached that length. KevinAkaSam’s Z Axis design was used to convert the Ender-3. Emily was ready to run a test after updating the firmware.

This 3D printer was a tall boy. The part, as expected, wobbled perpendicularly to the Z-axis, which caused problems with quality. The problem was mitigated by wider parts, as they were more stable. Emily realized that the printer would need a bigger bed to accommodate wider parts. To achieve this, she rebuilt her printer.

The results were impressive, even for a “bed-slinger”. The printer is capable of producing decent parts that are super tall. The parts are fragile and need to be printed in vase-mode. Emily still printed a giant Among Us for laughs.