Beginning Homebrew Enthusiasts – How to Get Started

Brewing beer is not something to laugh at or smile about. It’s serious and requires more than a thirsty mindset. Beer brewing is more than an art. It is also a science. This has led to a whole culture of beer brewers, professionals and Friday night enthusiasts. I’m intrigued by the idea of making and sharing my own beer while still being resourceful in my own home. It is fun, simple, and fairly inexpensive.

My entire brewing kit cost me just over $200 to start, though I believe I got a few things that I didn’t need. The ingredients and the materials are what really matter. Your materials will account for the majority of your upfront costs. You can, however, reuse most of your materials for future batches. Google was my friend as it helped me locate a Fullerton, Ca home brew shop. Addison Homebrew provisions was very helpful in helping me gather the best ingredients for my first brew. John Palmer’s How To Brew book is a great source of information to help you learn how and what supplies you will need to make your first batch. The book was free online.

Brewing your own batch of beer is simple, but it’s just as easy to make a bad batch. SANITATION is key! Every item you use should be cleaned before it can be used. Your beer may become contaminated by bacteria if it is not properly cleaned. It’s obvious that you have spent around $200 and put hours of work into your beer. You don’t want to ruin it by making a silly mistake.

It takes patience and cleanliness to master the art of beer brewing. My first brew took five weeks, from the making of the wort until I opened my first bottle. California Common beer was my first attempt at making it, just like Anchor Steam. My first batch made about 4 1/2 gallons. It turned out to be 22 oz bottles. It was a great success and has propelled me into the craft beer world. “Wort, as brewers term it, is the sweet, amber liquid derived from malted Barley that the yeast will later ferment to beer.” (Palmer John in How to Brew).

I have discovered some cool places in the local area through my exploration of wine and beer. Vinatero Wine Shop, Uptown Whittier, Ca is one of my favourite bars. It’s small but has a warm and welcoming atmosphere. This shop has been awarded several awards, including best wine shop and best bar in recent years. Down Town Fullerton is home to both college students as well as locals. Many bars, night clubs and dance floors can be found throughout DTF. The locals call it “DTF” (haha, very funny).