Lodi Twp: Board Mtg Synopsis 6-6-23

June 6, 2023 6:21 P.M.

The meeting was opened at 6 pm with the pledge of the national flag. Seven members of the board were present.

The Consent Agenda as presented was approved. The consent agenda includes the May 9, 2023

Treasurer’s report, payment of invoices, amendment, and Board minutes for the May 31, 2023 Special meeting.

The Washtenaw County Sheriff Report, and the Zoning Report are both budgeted. There was no report from an attorney.

A short report was presented by the Planning Commission. The public was invited to comment at 6:32pm. There were no

Comments The agenda has been approved as presented with 2 additions in New Business. Old/Unfinished

Watson Zoning Violation. New business: Approval L4029, updates to the FOIA policy, July

The meeting date has been changed to the 11th of July
On July 11, at 6:30pm, there will be a public hearing for 7641 Ann Arbor Saline Road.

Macke Fireworks approved for the Fourth of July at 6:30pm.

Direct Planning Commission to review the PUD’s verbiage and define single-family more precisely

Discussion of MTT 2 cases, approval of the purchase and installation of a printer for the deputy clerk, and discussion on residence. Closed session

Open Session was resumed at 6:50pm. The meeting was adjourned by 7:36pm.

Next regular board meetings will be on Saturday, July 11, 2030 at 6:30pm. The approved minutes are available on the

Lodi Township website (www.loditownshipMI.org) are available for review or purchase at the Township

Hall during regular working hours