nano3Dprint announces partnership with Finite Space for 3D printed lunar rover

Provider of Next-Gen additive manufacturing solutions nano3Dprint Has announced a partnership Finite Space, a German-based project that claims to be ‘revolutionising’ material usage and manufacturing processes in space to enable self-sustainable colonies.

The partnership will bring together nano3Dprint’s technology and 3D printing expertise with Finite Space’s goal of building a sustainable lunar economy according to the companies. Finite Space will use nano3Dprint’s A2200 multi-material electronics 3D printer to produce a moon rover, additional rover parts and other tools for the space exploration team.

“nano3Dprint is the most flexible electronics 3D printing solution,” said Tobias Patzer, Finite Space Design Lead. “We saw that NASA had published research demonstrating advancements made with nano3Dprint printers, making the company a natural choice for this collaboration.”

According to nano3Dprint the first phase will include 3D printing of a rover measuring just over three feet in length. It will use metals, recycled plastics and silicon that can all be found on the moon.

Patzer added: “A key capability of the A2200 is the flexibility we have in material choice and quality. As an example, the design of the demonstration will include a tool slot that could be used with a robotic manipulator, drill, or cargo bay. Additional capabilities will be added as the project progresses.”

According to the company, the A2200 can be transported into space to produce tools and parts on demand. A space-based printer, according to the company, will also reduce both resupply mission and the amount of materials astronauts need to carry into space.

Ramsey Stevens, nano3Dprint CEO said: “We need space for daily life; we rely on it for GPS, weather forecasts, satellite images and more. Continued space exploration is a valuable tool for scientists and researchers to expand their knowledge of the solar systems and identify new resources. We look forward to seeing how Finite Space will further space exploration with the utilisation of this new rover.”